I have an editable grid and have selection enabled, it works perfectly fine , when selecting individual rows and as bulk when i chose the check box in the header,
This works
when i unselect at header , it throws error but individual row deselection works, only deselection in the header is not working
code :at line 507
selectionValue: local!selectedIndex, selectionSaveInto: { local!selectedIndex,a!save(local!selectedrows,index(local!displayItems,local!selectedIndex))},
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You can try by replacing following code:
selectionSaveInto: { a!save( local!selectedIndex, a!flatten(save!value) ), a!save( local!selectedrows, if( a!isNullOrEmpty(local!selectedIndex), {}, index(local!items, local!selectedIndex) ) ) }
This works thank you