the ACD101 exam session

I have a question regarding the ACD101 exam session.

At the exam before last (August 9, 2024), I participated in a session using the "Go to" system from my browser, but the proctor told me to download the "Go to" app.
When I was confused and couldn't figure out how to do it, a "Zoom" meeting link was sent to me via chat, so I continued the exam "Zoom" meeting.

Therefore, for the last exam (August 17, 2024), I downloaded the "Go to" app in advance and participated in the session.
However, I couldn't connect to proctor and ended up deleting the "Go to" app.
After that, I accessed the "Go to" meeting link sent via chat and was finally able to speak with the proctor.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

My PC's communication environment was perfect, so I don't know what measures I should take next time I take the exam to be able to successfully enter the session.
(I feel like I can access it from the browser even if I don't have the "Go to" app, but since I was instructed to download the app two times ago, I'm not sure what the correct method is and I'm worried.)

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