I have a record list with values
my output should show - pid should be concat of the name and the sequence based on count
1. id:1,pid:"Test1001"
2. id:2,pid:"Test1002"
any code suggestion will help
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a!localVariables( local!data: { { name: "Test1", id: 1 }, { name: "Test1", id: 2 }, { name: "Test2", id: 3 }, { name: "Test1", id: 1 } }, a!forEach( local!data, a!map( id: property(fv!item, "id", null), pid: concat( property(fv!item, "name", null), substitute(padleft( length(tointeger(wherecontains( tostring(property(fv!item, "name", null)), touniformstring(property(index(local!data,enumerate(fv!index)+1,{}),"name", null)) ))), 3)," ",0) ) ) ) )
This will return the data as per your requirement.
thanks . I used your idea in my test code
a!localVariables( local!data:rule!LMS_getRecords(), a!forEach( local!data, a!localVariables( local!length: length(tointeger(wherecontains( tostring(fv!item['recordType!{cc80e31a-494e-472f-ac5e-cf9fa9b84149}LMS SequenceTest.fields.{d68e1218-7f8d-474f-a34c-e40ba98630fd}name']), touniformstring(index(local!data['recordType!{cc80e31a-494e-472f-ac5e-cf9fa9b84149}LMS SequenceTest.fields.{d68e1218-7f8d-474f-a34c-e40ba98630fd}name'],enumerate(fv!index)+1,{})) )) ), a!update(data:'recordType!{cc80e31a-494e-472f-ac5e-cf9fa9b84149}LMS SequenceTest',index:fv!item['recordType!{cc80e31a-494e-472f-ac5e-cf9fa9b84149}LMS SequenceTest.fields.{4f1128ea-0f95-4ac9-9bcd-7bad52fe8bc5}refId'],value:local!length) ) ) )
record : trying to insert the length in the "refid column"
getting an error in a!update , am I missing something in this function ?
On line 14 for data parameter pass local!data and try
thank you