I am running a process model and I want it to write/update record information after an input task.
If they hit accept, the write records data service works perfectly but if they hit the reject button the write record service throws the following error: "Some referenced Items could not be found".
What am I doing wrong? I'll share the buttons' interface code:
buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Aprobar", saveInto: { a!save( ri!record['recordType!{cef91250-961d-44c5-a3d4-47f5dd11ce8e}W1181S Solicitud.fields.{8765b93b-701f-4834-a1fa-466d22579f09}clausuraFecha'], today() ), a!save(ri!record['recordType!{cef91250-961d-44c5-a3d4-47f5dd11ce8e}W1181S Solicitud.fields.{52961fd0-4d58-4b78-a648-5fe0de023217}personaDecision'], loggedInUser() ), a!save( ri!record['recordType!{cef91250-961d-44c5-a3d4-47f5dd11ce8e}W1181S Solicitud.fields.{c9e90275-1a59-4f5c-a413-b7ed27eed6b1}idEstadodeSolicitud'], 3 ), a!save( ri!decisionDeApruebo, true() ) }, submit: true, style: "SOLID" ) }, secondaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Rechazar", value: true, saveInto: { a!save( ri!decisionDeApruebo, false() ), a!save( ri!record['recordType!{cef91250-961d-44c5-a3d4-47f5dd11ce8e}W1181S Solicitud.fields.{c6d7ad75-b919-495e-acf8-cab91fe967c8}idSolicitud'], 4 ), a!save( ri!record['recordType!{cef91250-961d-44c5-a3d4-47f5dd11ce8e}W1181S Solicitud.fields.{8765b93b-701f-4834-a1fa-466d22579f09}clausuraFecha'], today() ), a!save( ri!record['recordType!{cef91250-961d-44c5-a3d4-47f5dd11ce8e}W1181S Solicitud.fields.{52961fd0-4d58-4b78-a648-5fe0de023217}personaDecision'], loggedInUser() ) }, submit: true, style: "OUTLINE", disabled: if(a!isNotNullOrEmpty(ri!record['recordType!{cef91250-961d-44c5-a3d4-47f5dd11ce8e}W1181S Solicitud.fields.{25e11a33-589d-4704-8244-bdeda69e2b92}razonDeRechazo']), false, true ), validate: true ) } )
Screenshot of error:
Any help is appreciated.
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Can you share the value of record that is passed as input to errored node
HI Soma, it comes from an input task through an XOR gateway. Here is the the inputs window:
That same input task goes trough the submit button into a write records and it does work properly, that's why I am confused.