Hi Team,
I have a requirement , where I need to find the time difference between two date times. I am facing one issue, I have to find the difference in EST timing, day start should be at 8 am and day ending will be on 8pm. when I am using callworkminutesplugin() function, it is not giving proper result as when it was converting time to EST it is giving diffirennt result in expression. Please help in getting the minutes difference in 2 date times.the above time is returning fn!datetime(2025, 1, 7, 10, 21, 35, 230) in expression. Why is this so?Harshit Bumb (Appyzie) Stefan Helzle Konduru Chaitanya Mike Schmitt
@Mathieu Drouin
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datetime() creates takes the values as if it is in the UTC timezone, then translates it into your time zone to display it. If you use the userdatetime() function, then the result is directly in your time zone.
Thank you Stefan Helzle , This shows the solution to my issue.