query process variable of record type

I have two process variable bkk_act_id,filt_table. Both are record type of two different table with common Account_id. I want to use account list in the first table to filter the second table rows containg that Account_id. While this work if I use the record type directly, but when I try to do the same with process variable its throwing error for both the variable processing: 

Expression evaluation error at function a!queryRecordType [line 11]: Could not cast from Tst_act_list to RecordType. Details: CastInvalid) (Data Outputs)

local!accountIds: index(
recordType: pv!bkk_act_id,
pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 5000)

local!filteredData: a!queryRecordType(
recordType: pv!filt_table, /* Table to filter */
filters: a!queryFilter(
field: pv!filt_table['recordType!{73b2f9fb-792e-446d-97e2-320d538e9c47}Tst_act_table.fields.{4d7e433e-cc66-46db-9a2d-2f2b6218a819}accountId'], /* Must match format */
operator: "in",
value: local!accountIds
pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 5000)


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