Error Evaluating UI Expression - Summary view


I'm new in Appian and I have the next error:

Error Evaluating UI Expression
Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 44U5D] in rule 'w2756aa_grd_maintenancerequestsgrid' (called by rule 'w2756aa_dash_vehiclesummaryview') at function a!gridField_24r3 [line 5]: An error occurred while retrieving the data for "W2756AA Maintenance Status". Details: Record type is marked as synced, but its data has not yet been synced or its existing synced data has been invalidated. Contact your system administrator. (APNX-1-4198-000)

When I try to follow these instructions (just when I click on "VIN" on any vehicle):

Can you help me, please?

Thank you

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