How to refresh a disabled text field so the value can be saved?


I have a text field who's value is linked to a dropdown field. If the dropdown value changes, the text field automatically changes as well. The text field is disabled as the user should not be able to change the value. The problem I have is that the value of this text field should be saved into a rule input but since I do not interact with the text field, the save into parameter does not trigger. I have no buttons on the interface so I could not add an a!save there. The user does not have to interact with any other field if they don't want so I couldn't put the a!save in another field as well. 

Is there a way for the text field to refresh without interacting with it to trigger the save into? 

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  • Thank you Mike and Stefan, I have shared the code

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to gabrield295009

    A simple standalone example.

          label: "Text",
          labelPosition: "ABOVE",
          disabled: true,
          value: local!textFieldValue
          choiceLabels: {"Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4",
                          "Option 5", "Option 6", "Option 7", "Option 8",
                          "Option 9", "Option 10", "Option 11", "Option 12"},
          choiceValues: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12},
          label: "Dropdown",
          labelPosition: "ABOVE",
          placeholder: "--- Select a Value ---",
          value: local!dropdownFieldValue,
          saveInto: {
          searchDisplay: "AUTO",
          validations: {}

    It is really hard to follow the logic in your interface ...