ldapsearch() is not giving results

Certified Associate Developer


I am trying to fetch the users or details of particular user from AD and I am using ldapsearch() to achieve this, but I am facing issues to fetch the results


I have created 'scsExternalSystemKey' ad.test with below details

username:<full DN>



  config: {
    scsExternalSystemKey: "ad.test",
    usePerUserCredentials: false,
    url: "ldap://<IP>:389/DC=PSIAPPIAN,DC=com"
  searchFilter: "(&(ObjectClass=organizationalPerson)(uid=administrator)",
  attributes: {},
  pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
    startIndex: 1,
    batchSize: - 1



    success: true
    result: DataSubset
        startIndex: 1
        batchSize: -1
        sort: null (List of SortInfo)
        totalCount: 0
        data: null (List of Variant)
        identifiers: null (List of Variant)
    error: null (Text)


I have tried multiple filters to fetch the result but none are working. Highly appreciated if I get any pointers on this. Thanks in advance.

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