Not able to get document into Appian Folder

Certified Senior Developer

Hey All,

I am not getting the document upload in the portal into Appian Environment. i used a!submitUploadedFiles() as well

label: "Submit",
saveInto: {
userInfo: local!userInfo,
onSuccess: {

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  • Can you share what the rule PA_InsertDataIntoDB is doing? Assuming it uses a!writeToDataStoreEntity(), does the write to the database work successfully? What troubleshooting steps have you tried? Are you receiving any error messages?

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Peter Lewis

    Data is written into DB successfully. Basically,PA_InsertDataIntoDB is calling the web service to write the data into DB.

  • If you run something else in the `onSuccess` property, does that execute successfully?

  • Can you share what the expression for your a!fileUploadField looks like? Make sure your service account that you configured when publishing the portal has editor access to the folder you are uploading to.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to alex.ladue

    local!userInfo: 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:PA}PA_UserInformation'(),
    label: "User Information",
    contents: {
    columns: {
    contents: {
    label: "User Name",
    value: local!userInfo.userName,
    saveInto: local!userInfo.userName
    label: "Full Name",
    value: local!userInfo.fullName,
    saveInto: local!userInfo.fullName
    label: "Manager/Supervisor Name",
    value: local!userInfo.managerName,
    saveInto: local!userInfo.managerName
    contents: {
    label: "Designation",
    value: local!userInfo.designation,
    saveInto: local!userInfo.designation
    label: "Department",
    value: local!userInfo.department,
    saveInto: local!userInfo.department
    label: "PAN/SSN",
    value: local!userInfo.PAN_SSN,
    saveInto: local!userInfo.PAN_SSN
    contents: {
    label: "Gender",
    choiceValues: { "Male", "Female" },
    choiceLabels: { "Male", "Female" },
    value: local!userInfo.gender,
    saveInto: local!userInfo.gender
    label: "Resume/CV",
    saveInto: {local!file,local!userInfo.resume_CV},
    maxSelections: 1,
    target: tofolder(4704)
    buttons: a!buttonLayout(
    primaryButtons: a!buttonWidget(
    label: "Submit",
    saveInto: {
    userInfo: local!userInfo,
    onSuccess: {

    This is the whole code. 

    Yes, that service account has editor access to the folder

  • Thanks. Make sure you are following this note:

    Also, I'm not sure if this could be impacting the behavior you are seeing in the portal, but as a best practice, you should not be referencing a folder by it's id. Instead, create a constant that points to the folder. This will ensure the reference to the folder works correctly.

    One last thing, it sounds like you are aware of this, but the file upload will only work from the portal, not in interface designer, so make sure you are testing from the the portal.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Deepak gupta

    BTW, please insert long code like this into a Code Box, so it maintains indentation / readability and doesn't destroy the page length of the comment section (which severely impacts overall readability).

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Deepak gupta

    Hello Deepak, Have you fixed this issue? I'm having the same problem.The file is not uploaded to the folder.When I use a!submitUploadedFiles(), it gives me the error APNX-1-4561-007.

    APNX-1-4561-007 An error occurred when submitting the uploaded file(s).

    Appian provided a description of the error, but it doesn't explain how to fix it.

    Anyone know how to fix this issue?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to alex.ladue

    Hello Alex, I'm having the same problem.The file is not uploaded to the folder.When I use a!submitUploadedFiles(), it gives me the error APNX-1-4561-007. 

    APNX-1-4561-007 An error occurred when submitting the uploaded file(s).

    Appian provided a description of the error, but it doesn't explain how to fix it.

    Anyone know how to fix this issue?

  • Have you already tried the tips that Alex and Pete offered earlier in this thread?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to John Rogers

    Hello John, Yes, I did. I am able to save the document ID in the database, but not the file in the target folder.

    FYI.. I am using Appian Community Edition free version for POC. Is that the problem?

  • No, Appian Community Edition only allows publishing two portals from your environment and has some of the hardware scaling turned down so that it runs more cheaply, but basic application functionality like this is identical to other environments.

  • No, Appian Community Edition only allows publishing two portals from your environment and has some of the hardware scaling turned down so that it runs more cheaply, but basic application functionality like this is identical to other environments.
