Site with record security filters error

Hi! I have a site to which I configured a security expression: if the user is an admin, it can do and see everything of the record list, but if it is from a group called "CPF Proveedores", then they only see the rows of the record in which the username = a field of the record (nomProveedor). 

The fact is that, when I enter as CPF Proveedores and try to execute a record action, it seems to work well (generates the interfaces, I fill correctly and the the message Action Completed appeared). But the new row is not added to the record. If do it as an admin, it works. I have assigned permission to execute the action to the mentioned group (CPF Proveedores). 

What can be happening?

Case 1: I enter as an admin, and can create new rows. 

Case 2: I enter as an user of CPF Proveedores, and even though the interface appears when clicking the button and action is completed, new rows are not added. Do I have to set another special permissions?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Can you share the security rule config?

    Do you see any process errors for case 2?

    Do you see added data in the database for case 2?

  • This is my security expression: 

    On the other hand, I revised the database and in fact the new rows are written there, but not in the site! (the new ones have test numbers so different from the rest). Now I see the problem: the field nomProveedor is not being written correctly

    the nomProveedor name is "autofilled" in the interface with this configuration:

    My purpose here was that, in Case 2 (logged user from CPF Proveedores) the field "Proveedor" was autofilled by the loggedUserName. But I don´t know why is this failing, because in the site, when I click the button, the text field is correctly filled with the username. Even though, after that, it is not saved correctly

    When I enter in appian with the user of CPF Proveedores, I can only see the link to the site, not the appian designer or the objects. I can only start the process model as an admin

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to carlosp5114

    Filtering in records is something completely different than record level security. Please check the documentation and decide what you need.

    Do not look up groups by name! Create a constant of type group and use that.

    Very newcomer to Appian tries to define default values in the input component. This does not work as the save operation is only triggered by a direct user interaction. You need to define the default values on the data level.