Publishing error. Could not publish the portal. Check for missing interface precedents.

Publishing error. Could not publish the portal. Check for missing interface precedents.

we have deployed dev to test its working but same thing its not working in Prod, it showing Missing precedents, we have checked all related precedents even though it showing error. Please help me on me these.

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  • I had the same error.  I did what Peter Lewis suggested and opened up the tomcat-stdout log.  At the bottom on the log I found the following error.

    at java.base/
    Caused by: com.appiancorp.ix.binding.UnresolvedRecordRelationshipReferenceException: type=recordField, srcId=######, ctx={from={recordType: id=261, uuid=#####}, md={[Record Relationship [name=refClergyStatus uuid=#####] > Related Record Type > Related Record Common Field]: {nullable=false, required=true}NONE}}: recordField [uuid=###### location=Record Relationship [name=refClergyStatus uuid=#####] > Related Record Type > Related Record Common Field] cannot be found.

    This was indeed an issue that I had to fix, however, that record type had nothing to do with the portal.  Evidently when publishing a portal, the system checks everything in the application whether or not it is a precedent of the portal.

  • If that's happening, it's a bug. The only record type that should be check by and included in publishing are the ones that are precedents of the portal in some way. If you go through the Precedents menu of the portal object and don't find that record type no matter how far you drill, then it's a product bug.

  • I fixed the error with the record type Ref Clergy Status and was able to publish the portal.  That record type is not a precedent listed when I pulled up the precedents for the portal.  However, in looking through the Record Types data model and showed all relationships from Related Record types, I can trace a link from the Speaker record (which is a precedent for the portal) to the Record Type REF Status.  It goes through many relationships to get there.  Speaker -> Speaker Event -> JNC Speaker Parish Event -> Parish Event-> Parish -> Clergy Member -> Clergy Status -> REF Status.  Only the Speaker record and the Speaker Event record are used in the Portal.  None of the other related records are used in the portal.