On interface it works, but returns an unknown and non debuggable error only when testing on the portal url

I can't share anymore.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    The error message points toward an internal issue. I suggest to open a support case.

    But, the first thing Appian will ask for, is a code snippet which reproducible shows that error. My approach is to reduce that interface to the minimal version still showing the error. I try to embed as much code directly instead of calling expressions.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    DO you see any errors in stdout.log or design-errors.csv?

  • ERROR 2024-05-28T17:32Z Unable to route READ request GROUPS.getCredentials for groups within 20 seconds
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:39Z Portal data path configured with prefix of /mnt/portal.
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:39Z Invoking the TVM took 3703.0 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Portal data downloaded from S3 in 255.0 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Portal data unzipped in 1.0 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Metrics server ready at
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded configuration from file in 6 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded configuration from file in 1 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Parsing built-in types from /appian/cdt/generated/generated-pojo-types.xsd
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Parsed 180 datatypes in 79 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Parsing built-in types from /appian/cdt/system-record-types.xsd
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Parsed 2464 datatypes in 127 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Parsing built-in types from /appian/cdt/generated/generated-plugin-pojo-types.xsd
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Parsed 4 datatypes in 0 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Parsed 0 datatypes in 0 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Parsed 3104 datatypes in 226 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Bootstrap environment configured in 377 ms
    ERROR 2024-05-28T17:40Z An error occurred while trying to read the security token from "/conf/appian.sec". No security token will be sent when connecting to engines.
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Portals Tracing Enabled: true
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Application context configured in 698 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loading all objects from connectedsystem directory
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Read import properties from file in 0 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Retrieved import properties in 23 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded 1 objects from connectedsystem directory in 313 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loading all objects from recordtype directory
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded 0 objects from recordtype directory in 0 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loading all objects from processmodel directory
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded 0 objects from processmodel directory in 1 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loading all objects from datastore directory
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded 0 objects from datastore directory in 0 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loading all objects from translationstring directory
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded 0 objects from translationstring directory in 0 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loading all objects from translationset directory
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded 0 objects from translationset directory in 0 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loading all objects from portal directory
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded 1 objects from portal directory in 9 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loading all objects from connectedsystem directory
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded 1 objects from connectedsystem directory in 9 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Scanned 4308 system rules in 17 ms
    ERROR 2024-05-28T17:40Z An error occurred while trying to read the security token from "/conf/appian.sec". No security token will be sent when connecting to engines.
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded 8 rules in 819 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded 0 XSD schemas in 13 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Generated 0 ecore models in 343 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Portal Name:cobranca-entidade-cedente Portal ID:d120e334-19dc-11ef-89ef-666622b700c1 Site ID:78317 Locale: pt
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Minimal evaluation environment configured in 1627 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Serverless evaluation environment configured in 4067 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Loaded configuration from file in 0 ms
    INFO 2024-05-28T17:40Z Server ready at


  • I am checking the precedents by the way, and I can't visualize anything much. I am doing all validations before calling the precedents

  • I solved it, apparently rule inside rule is an unnsupported feature

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Silas B. Ferreira

    Could you check permissions of the service account on the obejcts you are using?

  • Thanks for the update. Nested rules should work just fine, so I'm not sure why that worked. I'm passing this along to our Engineering team so they can check if this is related to some issues we found recently around invalid functions in portals.

  • I appreciate it. Just giving you more details: the child rule is actually a connection (it calls an external endpoint), then the parent rule was making validations. Ex.: if the connection response is ok (true or false), then returns one/another object from it, etc