Thanks for taking a look at this.
We sync certain record data to our Client's software platforms. In the synced data, they want us to pass along a link to that record in a Notes section. The purpose of that link would be to allow them to access Appian's RecordType View for that particular record.
Is such a thing possible? (Even if they are logged into their appian account)
I imagine if we could open an Appian Interface with parameters sent from a WebAPI call, that may suffice. But, such a thing does not seem to be possible.
Any ideas welcome.
Thanks for your time.
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I think that using this function that should be possible: https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/24.4/fnc_scripting_urlforrecord.html
Thanks for the prompt reply Stefan. The a!urlFor... functions seem to be a perfect fit for this use case. a!urlForRecord() and a!urlForSite() both seem like good fits.