Multilingual portal implementation

Certified Associate Developer

My requirement is to implement the multilingual portal based on the user selection to all the page in the portal at once. Now I am using the function a!portalUrlWithLocale(), but it seems that it is working for one page at a time and when I go to the other page, I need to select the preferred language again or else the default language (English) comes to other page.

So Kindly can anyone suggest what needs to be done.

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to nehakunjilana

    I use a translation to see whether the language is consistent. I added this interface as a page to the portal.

        label: "Link",
        labelPosition: "ABOVE",
        links: {
            label: "de",
            uri: a!portalUrlWithLocale("de"),
            openLinkIn: "SAME_TAB"
            label: "en",
            uri: a!portalUrlWithLocale("en_US"),
            openLinkIn: "SAME_TAB"
            label: "it",
            uri: a!portalUrlWithLocale("it"),
            openLinkIn: "SAME_TAB"
        value: 'translation!{a7880d6e-74e0-464f-bc26-08ed8a90fd3e}SSH Translations.{14d0c3f3-0f02-41f9-bf18-564777c5b2a9}Student Rating'

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