Hi team,
I am new to Appian, Could anyone please explain about process mining?
thank you in advance!
Shubham Kumar
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Hi Shubham,
You can download the guide from here - appian.com/.../process-mining-guide.html
Thanks for sharing but I can't download it. It has an error appian.com/.../process-mining-guide.html
1v1 lol
Process mining is a data science technique that analyzes event logs to discover, monitor, and improve real-world processes. It is like an MRI for business processes, revealing how they actually run, not how you think they run.
Event logs are digital records of events that occur within a business process, such as when an order is placed, a customer interacts with a website, or a task is completed. Process mining tools analyze these event logs to identify patterns, bottlenecks, and deviations from the expected flow of a process.
Process Discovery can be used to automatically discover the actual process flow from event logs, even when the process has not been documented or is poorly documented. It can be used to compare the actual process flow to the expected process flow, identifying any deviations geometry dash world or inefficiencies. It's also can be used to identify areas for process improvement, such as bottlenecks, redundant steps, or unnecessary loops. Furthermore, it can be used to improve a wide variety of business processes, such as order processing, customer service, and supply chain management.
Process Mining is technique used to improve the process capabilities of organizations, Process mining analyzes given data and prepares discovered model, it monitors, compare the data with discovered model and suggest highlights of the deviated process,
To load your data into Process mining application, you need to pass the data to Mining Prep, Mining Prep re configure the in the format of Id, Activity, Acticity Start time, and Activity end time
for complete information refer docs.appian.com/.../process-mining.html