I was working through the documentation for the Demo and experienced the following:
For the demo the selection is for Reduce total process (not case) duration.
When selected I receive an error message.
Please Advise
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Hi Monique,
Could you please post this question on the channel for the Process HQ beta? https://community.appian.com/appian-process-hq-beta/#_cptype=panel&_cpcontexttype=Container&_cppanelid=7be466f6-2602-48b8-b8ef-3a7b7dba487b
To answer your question, this is a known UX bug that appears if you deselected the card here rather clicking on the other one to toggle. The "Reduce Total Process Duration" card is selected by default, and should work if you just click ok here and then next on the modal
Thank you!