Are there ways of using of process mining and RPA together or taking benefits of Process mining with Appian App Designer?Or Process Mining is altogether a separate tool with no possibility of connecting it with RPA or Designer?
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In Appian all parts work together.
Do you have a use case? With process mining you can analyze the performance, bottlenecks, variants... of your processes developed in Designer... and use that information to improve performance, user experience and other parameters of your design...
In process mining do we have ability to trigger process model or RPA Bot.If a end user is finding or any deviation or any issue then he trigger preconfigured automation from process mining dashboard/interface.
Here we are trying to achieve end to end cycle of process mining right from discovery to fixing/addressing issue.
No. If there is any issue in the process, the application needs to identify it and trigger mitigation actions. Mining in Appian is not meant to do that.
Stefan Helzle Thank you for the quick reply to Kunal.
Let me more elobrate this question to you.
In Scorecard we have one facility where after crossing thrashold automated mail will be triggered to the concern person. Likewise do we have any capability where we can trigger process model.
Why we are asking this because we can enrich our End to end automation to perform more activity automatically.
This sort for capability is available in Celonis Process mining Action engine where we can integrate Gmail, Microsoft team, UIPAth RPA, Power automate RPA etc.
I understand. In Appian this kind of behaviour is not something we do inside mining. If you explain your use case in more detail, we can help you to find the best solution in Appian.