Hi, we have a use case to read excel and map it to our existing CDTs. The smart

Hi, we have a use case to read excel and map it to our existing CDTs. The smart service for reading Excel and mapping to CDT does not work if the CDT contains an array data type or nested CDT. As a test, I did the following:
1. The original CDT is in the form
|_Integer (Multiple)
|_Text (Multiple)
2. Created a new CDT and brought the hierarchy of the nested CDT into the Top level ActualCDT:
3. Using the Excel Smartservice, mapped the columns to the ModifiedCDT (which has no multiple valued data types)
4. Using a script task, directly stored ModifiedCDT to ActualCDT and mapped ModifiedCDT to NestedActualCDT

To my surprise, it automatically mapped all the data type fields exactly to the Actual CDT. Even when there were more than 1 data types of the same format, the mapping seems to have happened based on the name of the Field. i.e. Date1 was mapped to Date1; Date2 w...



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