Add/Update Action not writing to DSE

New designer here; I've created an Action to Add or Update reference data but it is not writing to the database as it should. In monitoring the process it appears to run correctly, but nothing appears in the database. Any help would be appreciated!


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    As per my understanding @sarah is missing the Data Tab input value of type CDT which needs to be persist into the DB, because as per the statement of @sarah, the process is running well and specially nothing appeared in DB, that means the data is not getting send properly from the input tab to be persist into DB.

    Also i agree with @bryant.st39 to have output for understanding whether the data is getting persist and it's PK is getting generate properly or not.

    @Sarah As i mention above also, it's better if you can attach the node configuration of Data Store Entity Node i.e. DSE node input as well as Output tab configuration, also the process variables which you are referring into DSE node, so that the practitioner can trace out the problem

    For reference please refer the attachment of having wrong configuration in DSE, which gets published well but saves nothing in DB.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    As per my understanding @sarah is missing the Data Tab input value of type CDT which needs to be persist into the DB, because as per the statement of @sarah, the process is running well and specially nothing appeared in DB, that means the data is not getting send properly from the input tab to be persist into DB.

    Also i agree with @bryant.st39 to have output for understanding whether the data is getting persist and it's PK is getting generate properly or not.

    @Sarah As i mention above also, it's better if you can attach the node configuration of Data Store Entity Node i.e. DSE node input as well as Output tab configuration, also the process variables which you are referring into DSE node, so that the practitioner can trace out the problem

    For reference please refer the attachment of having wrong configuration in DSE, which gets published well but saves nothing in DB.

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