Query Process Analytics pagination and Rows per engine limitation

We have configured the row limit per engine for process reports as 3000. When I pass the pagination from 3001 to 3010 then Appian throws below error.

Error: errorMessage=The result cannot be returned. The number of rows requested would exceed the configured limit per engine. (APNX-1-4176-000)


Rows that I am requesting is only 10, why do we get such kind of an error when engine can give me max 3000 rows.



  contextProcessModels: rule!QM_workflowTaskReportProcessesList(),
  query: a!query(
    pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
      startIndex: 3001,
      batchSize: 10,
      sort: a!sortInfo(
        field: "c1"

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  • Hi Bala, did u restrict the row limit per engine by setting the property resources.appian.analytics.application.maxreportrows=?

    If so , then error message is valid. You are trying to fetch the data that the analytics engine doesn't have since the upper limit is 3000. Rows below 3000 would be returned.

    Please check the documentation 

    it clearly says that only specified number of rows will be loaded into application server memory.

    "The maximum report row property shown below controls the upper limit of items in a report that can be loaded into application server memory and the last page that can be retrieved for a report. "

  • But I am requesting for just 10 rows. Same rows if I request with different set of filters then engine is able to provide the details. I dont understand why pagination alone doesnt work.
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