I am having difficulty using the @SecondaryTable annotation. My goal

I am having difficulty using the @SecondaryTable annotation.

My goal was to change from saying:

The error I’m currently getting when I try to verify my data store is: “The data source schema does not match the type mappings: Missing table: sss_sw_category”

I modified an existing CDT (that verified just fine) from:
<xsd:complexType name="SSS_Software">
<xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">
<xsd:element name="softwareCategory" type="sss:SSS_SoftwareCategory">
<xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">



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  • SSS_SoftwareCategory is my CDT name while SSS_SW_CATEGORY is the corresponding Oracle table name. I have only seen CDT names used in XSD element type attribute values, never in JPA annotations. It would be helpful to me to have a complete example to look at. Last week's Data Design for Success Webinar included some incomplete sample syntax as does the "Create Custom Data Types" Appian 7.2 documentation page.
  • SSS_SoftwareCategory is my CDT name while SSS_SW_CATEGORY is the corresponding Oracle table name. I have only seen CDT names used in XSD element type attribute values, never in JPA annotations. It would be helpful to me to have a complete example to look at. Last week's Data Design for Success Webinar included some incomplete sample syntax as does the "Create Custom Data Types" Appian 7.2 documentation page.
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