How to use email smart service in process model? and how to configure?

 How to use email smart service in process model? and how to configure?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Hi  I believe you need to go through the documentation to understand about this smart service in detail, however to understand it in high level, please go through the below mention points:

    1. It contains few inputs such as

     a. From: This indicates, when an email gets trigger to recipients then what should be the source, who has sent an email, like noreply@your company name/project name. This will be configured by server admins during Appian installation, and in fact later on as well, where each drop-down internally contains an email address.

      B. To: to whom do you want to send an email, if you have list of email addresses of type text, then use a!toemailrecipient(list of emails of type text) to convert it into list of email recipients.

       c. Subject: This indicates the subject of your email, which can be either hard coded, or dynamically using either process variables, expression rules or constants

       d. Body: content of this mail, this can be either hard coded, can be defined as process variable, expression rules, constants or using html template

      e. Attachments: Allows you send list of files as an attachment to this email, it's an optional parameter

      f. Header: Defines header of this email using html template which we need to create and upload to Appian knowledge centre and use it using constant

       g. Footer: Defines footer of this email using html template which we need to create and upload to Appian knowledge centre and use it using constant

    Hope this will give you a high level information/idea about this smart service to start with.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Hi  I believe you need to go through the documentation to understand about this smart service in detail, however to understand it in high level, please go through the below mention points:

    1. It contains few inputs such as

     a. From: This indicates, when an email gets trigger to recipients then what should be the source, who has sent an email, like noreply@your company name/project name. This will be configured by server admins during Appian installation, and in fact later on as well, where each drop-down internally contains an email address.

      B. To: to whom do you want to send an email, if you have list of email addresses of type text, then use a!toemailrecipient(list of emails of type text) to convert it into list of email recipients.

       c. Subject: This indicates the subject of your email, which can be either hard coded, or dynamically using either process variables, expression rules or constants

       d. Body: content of this mail, this can be either hard coded, can be defined as process variable, expression rules, constants or using html template

      e. Attachments: Allows you send list of files as an attachment to this email, it's an optional parameter

      f. Header: Defines header of this email using html template which we need to create and upload to Appian knowledge centre and use it using constant

       g. Footer: Defines footer of this email using html template which we need to create and upload to Appian knowledge centre and use it using constant

    Hope this will give you a high level information/idea about this smart service to start with.

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