Make a field required based on value in grid. #EditableGrid

I have an editable grid in my interface.  I need to make a text field required based on values in one column of the grid.  I have used the following statements in the required attribute of the text filed:

if(contains(ri!itemsRoles.InfoSecDisposition,"Return to Customer"),false(),true()) - this give me the error: Could not display interface. Please check definition and inputs. Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function 'contains' parameter 2 [line 667]: Invalid index: Cannot index property 'InfoSecDisposition' of type Text into null value of type saasRoles?list

I've also tried the following statement:

if(contains(ri!itemsRoles.InfoSecDisposition,"Return to Customer"),false(),true()) - this gives me the error: Could not display interface. Please check definition and inputs. Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function 'contains' parameter 1 [line 667]: Could not find variable 'fv!item'


Is there a way the I could make a text field required when the user selects certain value in a grid?


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