Mark Tasks as Inactive or Hidden

I am familiar with the smart services for cancel task and cancel process. I am looking for a way to do something similar from the user perspective without actually cancelling the task. 


Is there a way to mark a task as hidden or inactive such that the user or group assigned to the task will not see it in their task list? 

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Thinking out loud......

    1. Once one person accepts a task assigned to a group, it will be removed from other's task list
    2. You could add a button to your tasks that 'submits' the task and populates a PV or two that set a flag and who 'owns' it. Then route the flow back to the task. Now in the process reports, apply a filter to not show tasks with the PV (flag=true)
  • This is not so much for reporting as to remove it from the Task List of the user (or all users in a group, if it is assigned to a group). I suppose creating a "hidden user" and assigning to that user would functionally hide it from everyone else, other than the manager I suppose. I was hoping for something more elegant, but I could use that as a fallback.
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