Task assignment if user deactivated

Certified Lead Developer

if I have running process and task is accepted by user, meanwhile user is deactivated.
what will happen to the task and process.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    if it is very frequent in your organization, create generic process where you check the status of User whether it is active or not and in case inactive , assign back that task back to Group where it belong to. This should definitely be final solution and you can simple plug-in this as sub-process to all the nodes by creating an escalation.

    This will have no manual intervention and things will work as they need to be. As task is assigned back to group so it is available to relevant folks to work on. Escalation time frame is something need to be discussed with Business.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    if it is very frequent in your organization, create generic process where you check the status of User whether it is active or not and in case inactive , assign back that task back to Group where it belong to. This should definitely be final solution and you can simple plug-in this as sub-process to all the nodes by creating an escalation.

    This will have no manual intervention and things will work as they need to be. As task is assigned back to group so it is available to relevant folks to work on. Escalation time frame is something need to be discussed with Business.

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