Send Email using Esacalation

Hi All,


I have a requirment to send email to list of users if the task is active for particular amount of time. So I Created a Process model and configured recieve message event on process model start node. I called this recieve message event in Parent process model escalation tab by using send message event functionality. But when i am trying to Pass the parameters from parent process to sub-Process the values are not getting mapped.

Can anyone suggest me how to achieve this functionality.

Thanks in Advance

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    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi in order to achieve this requirement, you don't need to go for Message events.

    There are 2 ways to achieve this:

    1. When you want to send an email and also skip the Task: In this use case, You can configure Timer on the User Input Task node and connect the email node through this timer. So that when timer threshold reaches, it will route the flow to email node (where email node will send an email to defined set of users with defined subject and body) and so on, and will simply skip the User Input Task.

    2. When you just want to Send an email as a reminder but want the flow to wait at User Input Task: In this use case, go to Escalation tab of User Input Task >> Click on Add Escalation >> Configure the Timer (like 2 hours or something like that as per your requirement) >> Choose "Send Alert" option under "What action should be taken?" and configure your email configuration such as Recipients, Subject and the body.

    Hope this will help you.
  • Hi Alok,

    I also want to provide a link to the user and on the click of the link the user has to navigate to the particulat task in sites .

    Can you please suggest to how to do it.

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