Small bug in Appian Sub Process Node

Hello Appian,


Good Day.


I felt that there is a small bug in Appian “Sub Process” Node. We are not able to figure out the process model parameter whether they are required or multiple.


Example Scenario:

There is a process model "ABC_createRequest", having parameters (param1 Text, param2 Text Required Multiple, param3 Text Multiple, param4 Text Required). While configuring this ABC_createRequest in sub process node to call as sub process from a parent process, it is not displaying whether the variable is of multiple type or required type. Here there are only 3 parameters not an issue to cross check. If there are more parameters and sometimes we may left out the value to pass into parameter at that we will get the error message as below for the required parameters. In error message there is no name of the parameter.

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  • Hi Anil,

    Good one, I feel that Appian can look into this, since giving required indicator to the Input variables in the subprocess node lets the designer to configure Mandatorily.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Yes, you are right. We can't check it is multiple or not, we have to go to that sub process and then check, and accordingly pass the values.
  • Please click on the "Refresh" option that you see on the subprocess node.
    Sometimes, the child process model may have been published and some parameters changed.
    The parent process model may not have got refreshed automatically.
    I think if you refresh on the subprocess node, it will show the updated parameters. (and also show if they are multiple)
  • I'd classify this as a useful enhancement request rather than a bug.
    If enhance accordingly, this may somewhat improve designers ability to deliver faster.
    Consider opening a ticket with Appian Support in order to share your findings, and to make your case as to why this would be a valuable product enhancement.

    As noted, you can always have the child process open in another tab to reference the nature of the child process's parameters.
    Further, consider using more informative variable names to give you an indication as to whether or not a parameter accepts multiples. For example, instead of "accountNumber" or "locationCode" use "accountNumbers" or "locationCodes" (plural) when the field supports multiples.
    Then you'll have a clue in the parent process whether or not the fields support multiples.

    This doesn't help much with requiredness.
    I'm not saying you should, but you could always extend the variable naming convention to use a "_reqd" suffix, or similar, if it's that important to you.