Multiply two integer fields and save the results to another field.

I'm trying to multiply the values stored in two integer fields and save the results in another integer field. I'm not sure if I have the correct syntax for the multiplier in my code or if my saveInto statement is correct. The Total estimated capacity field is not displaying the results of the value in the Number of files field multiplied by the value in the Average file size field  This is my code:

  label: "Total estimated capacity",
  value: ri!totalEstCapacity,
  saveInto: {
  refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
  validations: {}

Can someone help with this?  Thanks...

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Parents Reply
  • Of course we will not make any changes into  code except for the value to display. 
    I think williams code is already doing the job of saving into the rule inputs, so I suggested to display the value as well.
    Here is the code I suggested:
    label: "Total estimated capacity",
    value: ri!numberOfFiles*ri!averageFileSize,
    saveInto: {
    refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
    validations: {}

    or we could also do this:

    label: "Total estimated capacity",
    value: ri!numberOfFiles*ri!averageFileSize,
    saveInto: ri!totalEstCapacity,
    refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
    validations: {}


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to yeswanththiyarir
    These won't work for what requires, though - the integer field's saveInto won't execute unless the user interacts with that field, so the calculated value (despite being displayed correctly) wouldn't be saved into the RI variable unless the user went in and attempted to make a change in the result field, which is not intuitive. 's approach should work.
  • Hi Yeswanththiyarir,
    As Informed by Mike The calculated value will be displayed in the Total Estimated Capacity Field, but it will not save in the corresponding rule Input until the user interacts with the Total Estimated capacity Component.

    The other way is like you can always save the calculated value on any of the button's saveInto. But this is not a recommended way since the form may contain multiple buttons and you need to have this piece of code in Every button's saveInto.

    So the better way is as per Robert Shankin's Approach.