AND Gateway - A real life usage of AND gateway.

Certified Senior Developer

Hi all,

here am looking for a real life use-case for AND gateway.

my understanding is AND gateway allows us to execute a specific set of tasks in parallel, so does this means we will have multiple controls running in process model at a given particular time ?


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  • Hi Preji,
    I can give an example for this. An organisation needs a document to be reviewed by manager and chairman before proceeding to next step. In this case we can have two review paths one for manager and one for chairman, which can be split by 'and'. Both the paths are needed to be completed before we proceed further so we can use an 'and' gateway here. Of course there are other ways to achieve this functionality, I am just trying to give you an example for your understanding.
    Hope this helps.
  • Hi Preji,
    I can give an example for this. An organisation needs a document to be reviewed by manager and chairman before proceeding to next step. In this case we can have two review paths one for manager and one for chairman, which can be split by 'and'. Both the paths are needed to be completed before we proceed further so we can use an 'and' gateway here. Of course there are other ways to achieve this functionality, I am just trying to give you an example for your understanding.
    Hope this helps.
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