Task is loading old info instead of with up to date details from DB. How to load Task details with latest data from DB.

Scenario:   Task as shown in below form is loading with incorrect values. Asset already submitted to ITS review and still shows as pending in upper grid, whereas in the lower grid in below image, the details are upto date and are refresing everytime when i change status of other team's update on that asset.

Please advise how to load with latest info. Have already set the below option on Tasks. Still not refreshing in this specific table.



The interface with grid is simple, that is called in parent interface. The code where it retrieves list of pending actions is below. The expression rule is working fine as expected but the task isn't loading with latest info. Using Inbuilt Task Mechanism, instead of storing Tasks/Processes info in DB, in order to store only business data in DB.

local!pendingActions: reject(fn!isnull, a!forEach(
items: ri!NSARequest.SelectedApprovalTeams,
expression: if(isnull(rule!NSA_GetStatusOfApprovalTeam_ExprRule(ri!NSARequest, fv!item)), fv!item, null)
)) ,

label: "Submit the Asset for review to the below pathway team(s).",
totalCount: count(
headerCells: {
label: "Action Pending"
label: "Action Status"
label: "Complete Action",
showWhen: ri!enableTriggerImages
columnConfigs: {
width: "DISTRIBUTE",
weight: 3
width: "DISTRIBUTE",
weight: 1
width: "NARROW",
showWhen: ri!enableTriggerImages
rows: a!forEach(
items: local!pendingActions,
expression: {


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