Get Task ID to bind with URL and send that URL to Approval's Email address to notify it


 Before assigning the Approval i want to send Email to Approval and then assign Task to Approval as shown in following Image(A).



In that email i want the Task ID  which  i get it following way as shown in following Image(B), but it returns previous Task ID which is useless to me.



What i tried,

We can get Task Link when we Checked  "Notify......." option in Input Task Properties but we can't change that Email format  or that default email template.

So i design my own Email Template and Included it process model as shown in Image(A), but "tp!id" in Task Properties as shown in Image(B) gives me previous Task ID.

And don't want to used default email notification alert for Task whose email format is fixed and non editable.   


 So how can i Get the Latest Task ID, so i can used it in my "Email Template as Approval Link" (bind Task Id with URL, so Approval can directly redirect to that Task).

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    in reply to amitb0004

    hi Amit,

    We have also tried to implement same logic for fetching task id in our customized email but we are getting task id which is incorrect task id (for example : if task id is 268445168 then in email we are getting 268445171)

    The steps that we followed are:

    1. Created a report of type "task" to fetch user tasks.

    2. We ussed "Execute Process Report" smart service and connected it with Email smart service

    We used AND gateway in which path -1 is having user input task connected to End shape & path-2 is having "Execute Process Report" smart service and Email smart service connected to End shape to fetch task id and send Email to approver.

    So, can you suggest us what we can modify in order to get correct task id. Do we need apply any filter or any query to get the correct task id.
