'Send E-Mail' Smart Service Attachment File Size Limit?


Currently, I'm looking into a ticket where few instances of a process that uses the OOTB 'Send E-Mail' smart service for notifying recipients when changes (amendments) have been made for a submission.

In these few instances, the production environment attempted to send e-mails containing one or more attachments ranging from a collective file size of 37 - 154 MB

I've already thought of adding a constraint onto the SAIL form that allowed the user to upload files of these size if not also making changes to how the attachments are handled prior to e-mails being sent.


However, I'm contemplating if the file size limitation I'm looking to impose should be based on a common e-mail provider attachment size limitation (ex. G-Mail = 25 MB before sending via Google Drive is required), reach out to Appian Support for more information regarding what's the current limit for attachments when using the OOTB smart service OR would zipping the files prior to the smart service help/eliminate my issue?

I haven't seen anything in the Community forums / documentation that's necessarily helpful with this inquiry, so any feedback, if not link(s) to documentation, would be helpful.

Additional / Helpful Details

Is the environment cloud based? Yes, and the issues occurred in Production

Appian Server Log Snippet (e.g. Error message generated by environment at time of issue):

23:56:13, 066 INFO [stdout] (Appian Work Item - 2916 - ProcessExec02: UnattendedJavaActivityRequest) Caused by: com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 552 5.3.4 Error: message file too big

Main E-Mail Provider Used: Outlook

Are there any issues uploading the document into the Appian environment itself? No

Were you able to send the e-mail attachment outside of Appian via Outlook? I was able to successfully send the file(s) to myself & others via Outlook

Are the files zipped (via smart service 'Add Documents to Zip') prior to the smart service being executed? No

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