Custom Sender Email in 18.4

Hi All,


Currently we are wotking on 18.4 version and we are trying to use the custom Email Sender Option,

I tried confirguring my Sender Display Name and Sender Email when i tried executing it i am getting the following error,

Sender Email did not resolve to a valid email address and the logs,

Could someone help me in this pls.
2019-01-25 12:34:24,110 [Appian Work Item - 5307 - execution01 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appiancorp.util.BundleUtils - Cannot retrieve the value for key "address.customSenderOption_appian_internal.displayName" from the bundle.
2019-01-25 12:34:24,113 [Appian Work Item - 5307 - execution01 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appiancorp.process.engine.UnattendedJavaActivityRequest - An error occurred while executing activity: id=268637329, classname=com.appiancorp.process.runtime.activities.SendEmailActivity
java.lang.RuntimeException: Sender Email did not resolve to a valid email address
	at com.appiancorp.process.runtime.activities.SendEmailActivity.validateSenderEmail(
	at com.appiancorp.process.runtime.activities.SendEmailActivity.execute(
	at com.appiancorp.suiteapi.process.framework.AbstractActivity.perform(
	at com.appiancorp.process.runtime.framework.LegacyActivityExecutor$
	at com.appiancorp.process.runtime.framework.LegacyActivityExecutor$
	at com.appiancorp.common.ContextClassLoaderSwitcher.runInContext(
	at com.appiancorp.process.runtime.framework.LegacyActivityExecutor.execute(
	at com.appiancorp.process.engine.UnattendedJavaActivityRequest.execute(
	at com.appiancorp.process.engine.UnattendedJavaActivityRequest.execute0(
	at com.appiancorp.process.engine.ContinuationRequest.executeOuter(
	at com.appiancorp.process.engine.ContinuationRequest.execute(
	at com.appiancorp.process.workpoller.UnattendedRequestHandlerBean.onMessage(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
2019-01-25 12:34:24,725 [Appian Work Item - 5308 - execution01 : SendNotificationRequest] WARN  com.appiancorp.ap2.service.PortalNotificationServiceJavaImpl - A notification broadcast has been prevented because the number of recipients [214] would exceed the configured limit of [100]. Adjust conf.notifications.MAX_RECIPIENTS to a value greater than [100] as necessary for future notifications.

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  • After a bit of troubleshooting this myself, it looks as if the Sender Email Address field breaks the Send Email node if it's passed an email address containing any upper-case characters. This seems like it would be a pretty severe bug on the Appian side, assuming I'm correct in my assumptions so far (though as it's a brand new feature this is understandable). But in the mean time, if you can confirm this is the source of your error, I believe passing the sender email address through the "lower()" function should be sufficient to fix this until the bug can be addressed.
  • After a bit of troubleshooting this myself, it looks as if the Sender Email Address field breaks the Send Email node if it's passed an email address containing any upper-case characters. This seems like it would be a pretty severe bug on the Appian side, assuming I'm correct in my assumptions so far (though as it's a brand new feature this is understandable). But in the mean time, if you can confirm this is the source of your error, I believe passing the sender email address through the "lower()" function should be sufficient to fix this until the bug can be addressed.
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