Check if I have a document added or not

I have a question about how I can verify a document in the process model.
I have a form to register a user. inside there is a textfield and an update document. 
when I click send, I may have uploaded a document or not. On the other hand, I have two CDs. I
n the first cdt I enter the value of the textfield and the other where I enter the document.
the document cdt already has two rows added
(iddoc = 2, idsol = 1, document = x
iddoc = 4, idsol = 1, document = x).

my doubt comes now:
In the process, how can I do so that if I have uploaded a document I saved it in the cdt but putting the last iddoc value that there was +1 ?,
if I have not uploaded document (null). and either of the two options keep me in the cdt.


label: "user",
labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
value: ri!new.user,
saveInto: ri!new.user,
refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
required: true,
readonly: false,
validations: {

label: "Documentation",
labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
maxSelections: 1,
value: ri!newDoc.document,

target: cons!CPRO_CT_FLD_documentation,
validations: {}

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