Process Instance run 785 times in single run

I had a process model which gets information from third party through integration.

It ran specific nodes for 785 etc times with no traces and paused by exception.

All the active nodes in Green ran 700times and Paused by exception.

How to debug this issue.

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Steven Miccile

    I see the same thing you're seeing, Steven, and all sorts of other strange paths the connections are taking.  Whenever you have multiple outputs of a process node, they all run.  When multiple inputs go into a script task, the script task is run once for each time process flow reaches it.

    So it looks like you are going back to the first script task and starting the whole thing over again repeatedly until you finally terminate the process.

    As others have suggested you should delete all connections between these nodes and rebuild them from scratch.  Leave the nodes where they are and reconnect them.

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