Fully automated workflow

Hi All,

I have a requirement as below.

 1. Automated trigger will be created in Appian and the trigger will create a soap request and hit the surrounding systems then return the response list

 2. List should be iterated and for each item in the list, it will go again to surrounding systems with soap integration and get the necessary details

 3. Finally we submit the collected data through soap request and post the data to the surrounding systems.


All the above mentioned action points are automated and no manual users are involved. Can you pelase help me if this requirement is feasible in Appian?

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  • Hi Ramesh - 

    Typically - when you share a requirement like this, if you can also share some business context, it helps us mentally process the problem better.

    At a high level, what you've described sounds technically possible to achieve using Appian. 

    I have one comment and then one question - The comment is, as the expression goes: "the devil is in the details".  

    The question: You don't mention users anywhere in your description.  Does the output of this data manipulation and web service orchestration ever get used by an Appian user?  

  • Hello Robert,

    Thanks for your comment.

    My business case is to Remit the loan.

    We have a legacy system which takes care of Loan process. Once the loan is processed by legacy, loan remittance is happening manually. We wanted to automate this loan remittance process using Appian and Middleware. Finally we decided to follow the below approach. 

    MW will get the completed loan details from legacy system and give it to Appian as a json list and in-turn appian will  parse the list and iterate one by one process. We wanted to completely eliminate the user intervention in this process. Some exception are there but those will be handled through user queues. Technical stuffs i have explained in the earlier message.

  • Hello Robert,

    Thanks for your comment.

    My business case is to Remit the loan.

    We have a legacy system which takes care of Loan process. Once the loan is processed by legacy, loan remittance is happening manually. We wanted to automate this loan remittance process using Appian and Middleware. Finally we decided to follow the below approach. 

    MW will get the completed loan details from legacy system and give it to Appian as a json list and in-turn appian will  parse the list and iterate one by one process. We wanted to completely eliminate the user intervention in this process. Some exception are there but those will be handled through user queues. Technical stuffs i have explained in the earlier message.
