Hello, so within my Manual Wire Request Process, I created a timer to send Remin

Hello, so within my Manual Wire Request Process, I created a timer to send Reminder E-mails every 2 Hours based on the Settle Date. I also have a universal timer that kills the process at 3 PM of the Settledate. I use the pv!startTime to capture the Hour the Reminder E-mail will be Sent. For one of my instances the E-mail gets sent at 9 AM, 11 AM, & 1 PM. Then the start time does not update to 3 PM. Instead, the reminder e-mail gets sent every minute after 1 PM.

Is it possible that since the Next Start Time is supposed to be at 3 and I also have a Universal Timer that sets to kill the process at 3, that they are conflicting ideas? Or is there an issue with the expression I am using to add 2 hours to my start time?


Thank You....



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  • I always have trouble when modifying date & times as well. For readabilities sake the best way of found is to use the datetime() function then enumerate each piece of that call using now() with the appropriate container.

    For example:
    datetime( year(now()), month(now()), day(now()), hour(now())+2)
    There's probably a more condensed way to add 2 hours to the current time, but this is the simplest and most easy to understand way I've found. When I tried the expression you posted it actually adds two days the now().

    Also be wary of timezone settings when you're evaluating this. You may not need to use local(), and it may actually be adjusting out of your timezone.
  • I always have trouble when modifying date & times as well. For readabilities sake the best way of found is to use the datetime() function then enumerate each piece of that call using now() with the appropriate container.

    For example:
    datetime( year(now()), month(now()), day(now()), hour(now())+2)
    There's probably a more condensed way to add 2 hours to the current time, but this is the simplest and most easy to understand way I've found. When I tried the expression you posted it actually adds two days the now().

    Also be wary of timezone settings when you're evaluating this. You may not need to use local(), and it may actually be adjusting out of your timezone.
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