Quick task link

Certified Senior Developer

Hi, I have a requirement to provide the quick task link to the user. Is there anyway I can get the quick task link?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Why would the task need to be a quick task?  This I think is a more important question to ask.  What behavior is the ultimate goal of making it a quick task, as opposed to a regular task which requires no question how you would give the user a link to it?

    You can also activity chain into a quick task so that a user can fill out another form without cluttering up their Tasks list, but it has to be activity chained, and if the user navigates away, or if it's assigned to someone else, or any number of other things happen, the process hangs and the quick task can NEVER be completed, so you have to account for timing out when a quick task gets abandoned.  It's a boatload of work and problems for, in my opinion, very little payoff, hence the question why would you want to use a quick task?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Why would the task need to be a quick task?  This I think is a more important question to ask.  What behavior is the ultimate goal of making it a quick task, as opposed to a regular task which requires no question how you would give the user a link to it?

    You can also activity chain into a quick task so that a user can fill out another form without cluttering up their Tasks list, but it has to be activity chained, and if the user navigates away, or if it's assigned to someone else, or any number of other things happen, the process hangs and the quick task can NEVER be completed, so you have to account for timing out when a quick task gets abandoned.  It's a boatload of work and problems for, in my opinion, very little payoff, hence the question why would you want to use a quick task?

  • Hi David,

    I have a use case of a quick task but I am using entity backed records and thus looking for a solution. 

    My usecase is that an employee submits a purchase order which goes to 5 departments for approval. While these 5 departments approve, the employee should be able to call back the process and change the request and resubmit. On re-submission, it should go back to the parent process where the employee had initially submitted the changes.

    kindly let me know your thoughts

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to sanjeetg891

    So you have a process hanging out until 5 user input tasks are complete?  That seems like it would add a lot of process overhead if these take a long time to be completed.  Do they expect to run multiple days before all 5 of these approvals can be completed?

    Do the approvals happen in parallel, or in a sequence?  If a sequence, it's possible that each process could kick off the next stage of approvals and end.  That way, everything that's already done can archive.

    You could create a related action that allows the users to update information to their purchase request.  Then, upon an update, it finds all the current approvals processes that are running, terminates those, and starts a new approvals process, assuming all 5 have to approve the updated document.  There's probably a better way to implement that than messaging across processes, but that should get you going, and is as close to a valid use case for process messaging as you're going to get.

    If it's happening in parallel, you could still use a related action to have user update the request and send a kill or update message to the one process waiting for 5 user input tasks.

    I don't see any reason why a quick task is especially needed, unless that's intended to be a related action on the process backed record.  If so, congratulations!  Unlike on my project you're using quick task for it's intended purpose.  You say you're using an entity backed record.  That doesn't gel with a NEED for a quick task.  Are you sure you don't want process backed?