Error writing to entity

We had a couple of processes that had this same error and it was a versioning issue. After modifying the version number, we restarted the node and the write was successful. However, there are two processes in which this same change was made and the versions are now in sync, but the node continues to fail. One odd thing I noticed was the email domain ends in .comm (2 m's), but dont think thats the problem. What am I missing? What else can I check?

More info... there are 2 variables in which one has "Old" info and one has the newer info. See error below....

An error occurred while trying to write to the entity “PartcpntMain” [id=988d5d9c-6944-4a83-9f7f-ea52f695a245@412, type=PartcpntMain (id=6038)] (data store: Partcpnt_Main). Details: org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect): [PartcpntMainDT8938#P-007103] Data: TypedValue[it=6038,v={P-007103,{6573,P-007103,,<null>,<null>,20,Y,Y,46095724,,,,<null>,<null>,<null>,,2020-07-06 15:09:30.62,serviceadmin},<null>,{{4995,P-007103,MfqOGG7lwFcLuMObQsCRHg==,CALIFORNIA,,2019-09-28,2024-12-14,Y,20,2020-07-01 21:26:50.0,serviceadmin}},298,,12345@mailcomm,Mobile,555-491-5555,951-491-0582,CALIFORNIA,4444 Street,,Temecula,<null>,USA,92592-1322,<null>,,,CD,Y,000-000-0000,<null>,serviceadmin,2020-07-06 15:09:29.6,89535,[Folder:20117],,,PIsaZvbkZ59U3lyqZxoXEg==,N,0,35,,<null>,N,0,0,A,serviceadmin,Pre-existing data,serviceadmin,RS MVR Rerun for P-007103 - 46095724}]

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