Display message after clicking submit in form


I want to display some message after user clicks submit in the form. Example of the message-"Successfully created a record" or "Some Error occurred". How to achieve this both in interface as well as in process model.

Thanks in advance.

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  • You can add a form into the Process flow, make sure that the process is chained to that flow to force a synchronous experience for the User, and the form will have the message you want displayed. And since it's just a confirmation form, you would only have a single button (like 'Ok') which would complete the process. Don't forget to add a timeout on the form's task in case the User navigates away from the form, closes the browser etc.

  • You can add a form into the Process flow, make sure that the process is chained to that flow to force a synchronous experience for the User, and the form will have the message you want displayed. And since it's just a confirmation form, you would only have a single button (like 'Ok') which would complete the process. Don't forget to add a timeout on the form's task in case the User navigates away from the form, closes the browser etc.
