SFTP File xlsx


We are having problems to control if the file (xlsx) that they leave us in the STFT exists or not. If it exists nothing happens and the process works fine, but if it does not exist it gives an error, we do not know how to control it without failing!
We can also have a number n of files to collect.

Thank you very much

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  • In the receive file over sftp node, make sure that the AC!newDocument is saved into a PV, such as pv!newDocument.   Then right after the receive File over SFTP, add an XOR gateway with the condition based on isNull(pv!newDocument).  This gateway can then be used  for how your process should behave whether the file was successfully downloaded or not. 

    If you are worried about a "File Not Found" error from the Receive File Over SFTP node, you can try using the Get Remote Directory Contents first (to get the list of available files) to see if the file exists first before attempting to download.