I am trying to hyperlink the button to go to another interface. For this I am using a process model but is failing to redirect the user. Below is the image of my process model:
In the User Input Task, I have assigned all users can access the same. And in the form tab, I have selected the interface where I want the user to be redirected.I even read the documentation of the User Input task, it does not provide detailed explanation so it is really difficult to understand.
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We will need a little bit of additional information to assist. What is occurring now, is the process model flowing straight across to the End Node, or throwing an error, etc? If you are able to run an instance and post the XOR configuration, with the process variables from the running instance, that would be a good start.
Besides what Chris mentioned, check this: docs.appian.com/.../Process_Model_Recipes.html
Perhaps I also need more context. Assuming you have a start form, and you want to direct users from that form to the "Go To" User Input task form? If this is correct, it looks like you simply need to chain from the start node to the user input task.
Xor is defined as if the cancel variable value is true, direct to User Input task.
Below is the image of the process model in the monitor view:
And the process details are:
If I am missing any more details, please let me know.
Thank You
Try enabling chaining on the path between the Start Node to the XOR. Chaining need to be included on all paths from one form to another.
Also note if you assigned the Go To task to all users, that is not necessary - when chaining is configured properly it will bring the initiator to that form directly, regardless of the node assignment. We would typically make this assignment "Process Initiator" or =pp!initiator for good measure. Most likely now, all users are receiving a task notification for the Go To task..
HiJosh Burwell,
I have enabled chaining on the path, now I am able to go to the desired page in debugging mode, but when I try to run it in app mode (Tempo), nothing seems to work. My work is saved and published.
And also my process does not jumps to end node, below is the image of my process diagram:
I have tried enabling and disabling chaining between User Input task and end node (Go to).
How are you initiating the process in Tempo? Can you provide more details rather than nothing seems to work?
In order to get to the "Go to" end node, you need to submit the "Go To" user input task, which can be done with a!buttonWidget(submit: true) or using a!submitLink().
Can you share your XOR configuration details and Rule input value of Interface. I think you initialize RI default value as a false.