Get History details of selected Ticket Number from table row having single table "TicketInfo"

Hi All,

Objective: Get History details of selected Ticket Number from table row.

Process Model:

Step1: Get & Show latest Ticket Number details data

step2: Store the Old ticket data and changed data into Single table(can be two tables),so that there will be two/more entries for same ticket.

Need Process model and its related script/ steps guidance on above requirement.

I have already built process model to achieve step1 above and able to update one  ticket, but addin one more updated  entry for history   seems difficult

Please let me know if required input information is not clear.



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    This sounds like a somewhat complicated process flow made up of smaller, rather un-complicated segments.  As always I would suggest breaking it down into pieces and building it incrementally, starting with the most fundamental / most "required" element. 

    In this case I would think the "most required" might be, "write a new ticket to the databse".  So you would want to get that working first, without worrying about the rest.

    Step two might be, "get a list of ticket details that already exist in the database", perhaps in the context of a new process model / action.

    Step three would then be, "select one of the existing tickets and load its data into the process for editing"

    Step four, following that, would probably be writing the changes made, and whatever system (if any) you're using to store historic versions, could be added in at the same place.

    If you haven't already, I'd start implementing this in phases and get back to us if you end up having any specific questions or troubles.  I must admit that most of us here probably don't have time to sit down and create a brand new process architecture for someone else completely from scratch, even if the temptation to do so exists for some of us.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    This sounds like a somewhat complicated process flow made up of smaller, rather un-complicated segments.  As always I would suggest breaking it down into pieces and building it incrementally, starting with the most fundamental / most "required" element. 

    In this case I would think the "most required" might be, "write a new ticket to the databse".  So you would want to get that working first, without worrying about the rest.

    Step two might be, "get a list of ticket details that already exist in the database", perhaps in the context of a new process model / action.

    Step three would then be, "select one of the existing tickets and load its data into the process for editing"

    Step four, following that, would probably be writing the changes made, and whatever system (if any) you're using to store historic versions, could be added in at the same place.

    If you haven't already, I'd start implementing this in phases and get back to us if you end up having any specific questions or troubles.  I must admit that most of us here probably don't have time to sit down and create a brand new process architecture for someone else completely from scratch, even if the temptation to do so exists for some of us.
