Issue With Dropdown List From Query Rule

I am running into an issue with a dropdown list that I am trying to add to several process models. The data that populates this dropdown list comes from the database via a query rule for the list of items and for a specific item if it exists.

Here is the relevant information:
Display Label: =append({"--Select Group Tag--"}, pv!groupTagList.name_txt)
Value: =append({""},pv!groupTagList.GM_Id_int)
Default Value: =pv!groupTag.name_txt

pv!groupTagList is populated from all of the active tags in the database
pv!groupTagList is a cdt that contains an index (GM_Id_int), a name for the tag (name_txt) and some other values
When storing this information back into my cdt for the form I store the id rather than the name since names can be modified but ids will remain unique.

The problem that I am experiencing is that it does not matter if their is a non-null default value when I open the form where this dropdown is located I always see --Select Group Tag--....



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  • To help debugging, please hard-code the dropdown default value to an existing ID such as 2 or 3 and reply back with the results.
  • hard coded the id to 13, the dropdown shows --Select Group Tag--, I did change the data type of the group tag to number (integer)
  • When you get to the form with the dropdown in process, don't submit and please monitor the variables and copy the exact values of pv!groupTagList.GM_Id_int
  • Here is the entire set of values within pv!groupTagList:
    GM_Id_int=12, type_txt=Project, name_txt=Dream Home 2014, description_txt=, category_txt=Home, status_txt=Active, creator_txt=161179, requestor_txt=AC, start_date=, end_date=], [GM_Id_int=13, type_txt=Project, name_txt=Food TEST Group 3, description_txt=Food TEST Group 3 - Was Food TEST Group 2, category_txt=Food, status_txt=Active, creator_txt=904492, requestor_txt=, start_date=, end_date=], [GM_Id_int=18, type_txt=Project, name_txt=new project, description_txt=test, category_txt=Food, status_txt=Active, creator_txt=161179, requestor_txt=, start_date=, end_date=], [GM_Id_int=7, type_txt=Project, name_txt=OMG Cookies 2014, description_txt=Add requestor., category_txt=Food, status_txt=Active, creator_txt=161179, requestor_txt=Wes Williams, start_date=, end_date=], [GM_Id_int=19, type_txt=Bug Release, name_txt=testing, description_txt=test, category_txt=Home, status_txt=Active, creator_txt=161179, requestor_txt=, start_date=, end_date=], [GM_Id_int=1, type_txt=Project, name_txt=Testing Dates, description_txt=description, category_txt=Global, status_txt=Active, creator_txt=161179, requestor_txt=me, start_date=2/1/2014, end_date=2/28/2014], [GM_Id_int=17, type_txt=Bug Release, name_txt=Travel 3.5, description_txt=Bug release for this month, category_txt=Travel, status_txt=Active, creator_txt=161179, requestor_txt=Ada Enhancement, start_date=3/1/2014, end_date=3/31/2014]
  • I have gone through all the items I could see as possible culprits. It was expected that your original configuration would not work since the default value needed to be an ID, but having fixed that and other things, I can't see what is still the problem. Please try recreating the drowndown field; sometimes that fixes components that are giving me trouble.
  • I finally have it working. Here are the final results of all of the settings:
    Display Label: =append({"--Select Group Tag--"}, pv!groupTagList.name_txt)
    Value: =append({""},pv!groupTagList.GM_Id_int)
    Default Value: =pv!requestToEdit.groupTag
    Data Type: Number (Integer)

    =pv!requestToEdit.groupTag is the value associated with the record that I am editing and the groupTag is the filed (integer) value of the stored group tag id.

    Thank you Steven for giving me some ideas on where to look and how to configure the different items.