Having difficulties displaying dates across different timezones. Used

Having difficulties displaying dates across different timezones.

Used 'usertimezone(pp!initiator)' to capture the initiator's timezone (stored in a text field).
When we display the dates in subsequent screens we use 'local (pv!datetime,timezone) This does not display the correct time.
Now store the dates as text - yes they display correctly, but now have a new problem.
We use the pv!date_time values for validation. If we hide the date_time fields validation fails, if we display date_time, validation works but we have confusion showing allt he dates.

How can we get one solution that will work?...



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  • 5. Now that I have date shifted to GMT I can pass it safely to any other date-time function. In this case I need to shift it to the initiator's timezone to be able to display it in the original timezone in which it was provided. I do this using the local() function passing the result of what I explained in #4 and the timezone to where I want to shift the date and time to.

  • 5. Now that I have date shifted to GMT I can pass it safely to any other date-time function. In this case I need to shift it to the initiator's timezone to be able to display it in the original timezone in which it was provided. I do this using the local() function passing the result of what I explained in #4 and the timezone to where I want to shift the date and time to.

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