We just imported our flow from test box to our production box and started our ru

We just imported our flow from test box to our production box and started our run. in test box the node works however in production box we are getting the following error and is stuck on a node. Expression resulted in invalid recurrence configuration. Has anyone encountered this and how to resolve? ...



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  • It's very important to remember that the dependency checker, and pretty much everything in Appian, works based on the UUID of the objects; a text in quotes, even if it's the name of a constant, is considered a string which can represent anything in the system that's why when building custom functions that work with constant names you need to be careful and keep in mind this design so you don't miss including them in the package.

    On the other hand it is always better to analyze the server.log for a more detailed error since the alerts will usually just contain a summary of it.
  • It's very important to remember that the dependency checker, and pretty much everything in Appian, works based on the UUID of the objects; a text in quotes, even if it's the name of a constant, is considered a string which can represent anything in the system that's why when building custom functions that work with constant names you need to be careful and keep in mind this design so you don't miss including them in the package.

    On the other hand it is always better to analyze the server.log for a more detailed error since the alerts will usually just contain a summary of it.
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