Export DSE to Excel

Certified Senior Developer

Hi guys,

I was using this "Export DSE to Excel" SS in replacement for "Export CDT to Excel" SS which is deprecated in recent version. So the problem is , they have declared CDT in the start node variable and did some changes in the script task afterwards and pass the PV as CDT in older version. But the new version is throwing error while giving the PV as CDT. Is there any way to solve this. I need help ASAP. 

The error message and the process model structure.

Thanks in Advance.



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  • Are you still referring to the Export Data Store Entity to Excel node, or Export CDT to Excel?

    With Export DSE to Excel, I believe you can create a pv!exportDocument variable which is defaulted as a copy of your template document.  In the Document to Update, use this pv! instead of the reference to the actual document, and you will update the local pv! document vs updating the base template.

    In Export CDT to Excel, you can reference the document directly in the Excel_base_template parameter, and save the exported doc via the node outputs "Output_document" parameter.

    I also rely on the deprecated Export CDT to Excel service regularly as there is no suitable replacement at this time.
