Hi, I would like to know the Best Practice to be followed around this


I would like to know the Best Practice to be followed around this scenario -

As per the business requirement, there are lots of information which we should be grouping into CDTs - CustomerInformation and AccountInformation. And logically speaking, an Account can exist only for a Customer, so ideally we would be tempted to add AccountInformation CDT within CustomerInformation CDT. But there can be cases where we would have to persist AccountInformation alone without any need to persist CustomerInformation.

This being the case, which of these 2 approaches should be preferred? :
1) Have AccountInformation CDT within CustomerInformation CDT and everytime you want to persist AccountInformation, persist CustomerInformation as a whole.
2) Have AccountInformation CDT and CustomerInformation CDT separately. Persist them individually as per the need....



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