Get task from a task URL

Certified Lead Developer

Hi Community,

Is there a way to zero in to a task using the task URL..? The task URL looks something like this - /suite/rest/a/task/latest/nyRHm7PRCKoujsVRqz/form and I would like to understand specifically what task it corresponds to.

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  • Yeah if you want to monitor a specific task, presumably that means that you know the ID of that task, right? Also if you need more information about certain tasks, using task reports to get relevant information is usually your best bet:

  • Our testing team want to calibrate the testing scenario of our application currently in production, to simulate a growth of user.
    To do so, they need to reproduce the behaviour of a user, so the approach is to try extracting from the data produce by Appian (log, monitoring), the number of times a task is performed during a typical day run.
    As we know the number of user connected to the application during the day, we will be able to estimate the average number of time a user performs a task during a day.
    Then our testing team will be able to build a realistic testing scenario, and will be able to level up the number of user, to see at what point the application can support a growth of users.

    For the moment, as the testing team have based their work on the URL called by the web browser, they can only see URL dedicated to the call of a task (as the URL specified by ).
    So the question is : can we determine which task is call with the URL, or is there another way to do what we need ?
    I hope it's clear now.

  • 0
    Appian Employee
    in reply to jjzemmouri

    Hmmm, I feel like using process reporting seems a lot easier than trying to track tasks via the URL. Could you create a process report and query it to identify how many processes are executed each day?

    Also keep in min that many customers capture this information by writing to the database after a user completes a task, and then queries the database to determine trends or analysis of how many tasks are completed.

    I think either of those approaches would be much easier than trying to track data via task URLs.

  • Thanks a lot for your response !
    I'll try these ways !